Museum Tours
Museum Tours

English-language Exhibition Commentary Application Form

・After completing the fields below, please click “Confirm this content”.
・Applications received through this form are provisional appointments. Please note in advance that after sending the form, your application will be finalized with an e-mail from the museum confirming receipt.
・If you do not receive any contact from the museum even one week after sending, please contact us again either through the application form or by telephone. ・In general, applications will be taken up until 20 days before your visit to the museum.
・As a general rule, responses are given by e-mail, so please take care to enter your e-mail address correctly in order to guarantee a reply. If you have provided a telephone or fax number, we may contact you by these methods.
・Any personal information you provide will be handled appropriately in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.
・Please beware that content sent through this form is not saved as data on the computer where it was entered.
・There is no separate fee for participation in the English-language exhibition commentary. Please simply take part after paying the admission fee.

Application Form

Name of representative ※Required
E-mail address ※Required
E-mail address for confirmation ※Required ※Copy & paste not allowed
Phone No.
Country Code -
Country Code -
Q1.Will you participate on the commentary date to be held by the Museum?
The English-language commentary for this exhibition is scheduled to be held on Saturday, October 31st, November 28th, December 19th, starting from 14;00.It will last for approximately 40 minutes.
Please choose one of the following dates you would like to participate. ※Required
  Yes   No
Q2. Number of participants ※Required
Q3. Remarks
Please enter any remarks you would like to communicate to the Museum in advance.